How NLP can benefit you in motherhood 


Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an approach that seeks to understand and improve human communication and behaviour. It was developed in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, who believed that by modelling the language and behaviour of successful people, they could create techniques to help others achieve similar success.

NLP incorporates principles from psychology, linguistics, and computer science to help people improve their communication skills, overcome limiting beliefs, and achieve their goals.

It is based on the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are interconnected, and that by changing your thought patterns, you can change your behaviour and achieve your desired outcomes.

How can NLP help you as a mum?

Being a mum is one of the most rewarding and challenging jobs in the world. From managing a busy house, to balancing work and family responsibilities, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed.

And that is where NLP can come in help. 

NLP techniques can help you as a mum manage stress, improve communication, enhance self-care, overcome limiting beliefs and enhance motivation. It can help you to thrive in motherhood and beyond.

So how can it help?

1. Managing stress ~ NLP can help you manage stress levels by teaching you how to manage your state and change your state when it isn’t helping you in that situation (for example, breathing). It can also support you in changing your thought patterns and internal dialogue to help you respond to situations in a better way.

2. Improving communication with children ~ NLP can help you improve communication with your children. By learning how to build rapport, listen actively, and use language more effectively this can create positive relationships with your children (and others in your life too).

3. Enhancing self-care ~ Mums can often put the needs of their family before their own, through NLP techniques you can learn how to prioritise self-care by learning how to set and achieve your goals and develop healthier habits. By taking care of your own needs too, this can support you in motherhood and improve your overall wellbeing.

4. Overcoming limiting beliefs ~ You may have some limiting beliefs that hold you back from achieving your goals or enjoying motherhood, for example “I am not good enough”. Through NLP techniques you can identify and overcome these limiting beliefs by reframing your thoughts and beliefs, to develop a more empowering mindset and way of being.

5. Enhancing motivation ~ NLP can help you to develop the motivation and confidence to pursue your goals and dreams, to try or explore that thing that is on your ideas list. By using visualisation and other techniques through NLP, you can access positive emotional states and stay focused on your goals. This can be particularly helpful in overcoming obstacles and staying motivated in the face of challenges.

So where can you find out more about how to use NLP in your life as a mum?

One simple way is to work with a coach trained in NLP, who will work through where you are now, what your current blocks are and where you want to be, to support you in being able to take those steps towards what you want.

If you’d like to find out more about being coached using NLP then get in touch or take a look at my courses and workshops. 

*It is important to note that while NLP is incredibly helpful, it's not a substitute for professional medical or mental health care. If you are struggling with significant emotional or psychological challenges, you should seek the support of a qualified professional.

Source Bio:  
Emma Benyon IPHM is a Self Care and Motherhood Coach and Educator, supporting mums with the tools to move from overwhelm to balance and clarity in motherhood and beyond. Emma is a qualified NLP, mBIT and Practical Magic Coach. She is the editor of Positive Wellbeing Zine for Mums and host of the Self Care and Motherhood Edit. Her mission is to support mums to thrive and live a life they truly want through 1-2-1 coaching, self paced courses, workshops and group programmes. Visit Profile