If you are in the habit of saying ‘where's my keys?’, ‘did I lock the back door?’ or ‘what have I to get on the way home?’ then this article is for you! Fortunately there is a safe, scented way out of your brain fog! 

According to Roberta Wilson, a certified aromatherapist, using aromatherapy can improve your memory. This 6000 year old ancient art uses plant, herb and flower essences that are either inhaled or applied topically to aid a variety of ailments, emotional issues and physical trauma. It is said that nose receptors interact with the scents and then transmit information to neural pathways of the brain, such as the hippocampus. IPHM, Angela Mitchell, Aromatherapy

Dr Alan R Hirsch of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago says that ‘the quickest way to change a mood state quicker than with any other sensual modality is with smell. 

Aromatherapist Roberta Wilson suggests using the diffuser method for memory enhancement. It is a simple process of safely heating essential oils in an oil burner until the scent is released into the air. Aromablends for memory will appear at the end of this article. 

On a similar note, how many times have you wondered about your concentration and focus on a daily basis? Looking at your diary, order book or calendar may fill you with joy as well as a hidden fear…how do I manage all these appointments, orders or meetings? Look no further, I have some good news about how you can tap into great concentration and long term focus! 

Again the scent molecules of the oils penetrate the nasal receptors, which the brain then recognises and transmits to the appropriate area. There are certain chemicals within each essential oil, for example there are sesquiterpenes, which can actually cross the brain-blood barrier, and in doing this they help more oxygen travel to the brain, which helps to increase alertness and reduce the aforementioned brain fog. 

The fact that aromatherapy works quickly and efficiently makes it a valuable therapy to have at hand. 

Here I will actually talk about which essential oils are preferred for memory, and then concentration and focus. 

Aromablends for Memory: 

Blended oils such as clary sage, coriander, ginger, rosemary and peppermint, when breathed in, can act as a memory jogger. 

Put 5 drops of ginger, 4 drops of rosemary into your diffuser or aromastone, then slowly allow to diffuse into the atmosphere, either in the sitting room, or in your bedroom at night, they are not too stimulating. 

Alternatively, you can add the same drops onto a handkerchief then smell every now and again throughout the day {keep it in your handbag} 

IPHM, Angela Mitchell, Aromatherapy

Aromablends for Concentration/Focus 

Essential oils best known for stimulating concentration are basil, eucalyptus, citriodora, radiate, grapefruit, lemon, spearmint, peppermint, ylang ylang and rosemary oils. 

Again you can use some of the essential oils in a diffuser/burner. Or the evaporation method again, by dropping some of the oils onto a handkerchief or cotton wool ball and sniff throughout the day, especially after lunch, where there is more of a dip in alertness at that time of day. 

You can even add the essential oils to a carrier oil, such as sweet almond, grapeseed or avocado oil. This can then be applied to your skin or added to a bath. 

Blend for Bath: Aiming for a productive day! 

Add 4 drops of lemon 

3 drops of ginger 

5 drops of rosemary 

3 drops of grapefruit to 30mls of carrier oil, you choose, though avocado is great for the skin. 

Run the bath with no bubble bath, then gently add some of your bath mixture just towards the middle of the bath as the oil may be denatured if poured at the taps. 

Swirl the water around gently then step into the bath. You don’t wash, just immerse yourself with the water and the oils and they will adhere to the skin. Lie for around 10 to 15 mins. Then climb out of the bath and gently pat dry, do not rub. 

As said earlier you may apply the oil mixture to your skin as you get ready for your working day. 

Remember, because individual experience and state of mind play a role in how scents affect us, what helps one person may not evoke any response in another. 

Always consult a properly qualified aromatherapist for guidance. 

This knowledgable and insightful blog was written by our member Angela Mitchell, we're extremely grateful! Thank you, Angela. 

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