Does A Cup Of Tea In The Evening Help You Sleep Better?

Concurring with popular belief, drinking tea, mainly green tea, can perform a lot of miracles to your health and well being. Tea has a soothing and mild flavour, and it is the favourite drink of every fitness enthusiast. Tea, moreover, is the favourite drink for many people to stay hydrated throughout the day. The significant number of antioxidants in tea also serves to protect your body from the onslaught of free radicals and keep you younger for longer.

Tea offers several neuroprotective benefits, as well as protection to your heart health and controlling your blood sugar levels. Herbal teas provide several advantages, such as reducing your stress and helping you relax. Insomnia, chronic inability in attaining sleep, and achieving deep restorative sleep are a problem that plagues several people around the planet. According to estimates, more than a third of the citizens of America nowadays are facing insomnia issues.

There are a variety of herbal teas with varying percentages of components and phytonutrients. Every type of tea offers different benefits to your health, and you can use the different types of teas for various situations. Herbal teas can also have other effects on your mood and can even rejuvenate your soul. The results of tea on your health varies with the physiology of each person, and this article will aid in evaluating if a cup of tea can help you sleep better or not. 

Effect Of Green Tea On Sleep

Green tea has several plant components that can aid in achieving better sleep. The theanine in tea helps calm your nerves and hinders the neuron excitement and stress in your brain. This effect can be extremely beneficial to getting sleep due to its impact on relaxing your nerves. Besides, green tea also contains catechins, which include epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin gallate. These components are responsible for most of the medicinal properties of green tea.

The caffeine in green tea can improve memory, brain function, mood, nerve cell function, as well as acting as a stimulant. These components of green tea can work together to reduce the chance of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and also aid in weight loss and improve brain function. Green tea, however, can be beneficial in promoting sleep quality and duration.

Drinking 3-4 cups of green tea that is low in caffeine content can lower stress and fatigue while improving sleep quality. Theanine aids in suppressing the release of hormones that induce stress in your body. And, it is the main component that aids in enhancing the quality of sleep. The antioxidants in tea reduce inflammation, and this improves sleep as inflammation can detract getting proper sleep.

Green tea can also reduce your appetite and put your body in a fat-burning state while you sleep. Eating an excessive meal can direct all the energy in your body towards your digestive system while you sleep. This can lead to you waking up tired despite having a long sleep and can even sometimes induce nightmares.

Herbal Tea Can Perform Wonders

Some varieties of teas contain mild to a considerable percentage of caffeine, which promotes alertness. Hence, these drinks can be counteractive to getting sleep if you drink it just before going to bed. Herbal teas do not contain any portion of caffeine and are safe to consume before sleeping.

They also provide a wide range of health benefits and can aid in clearing toxins from your body. There are several types of herbal teas that you can consume for getting different benefits.

Cannabis Tea for added benefits

Cannabis tea is an excellent infusion to help you fight insomnia and is also an ideal way to consume cannabis without vaping or smoking. If you reside in Canada, you can easily buy cannabis online. The effects of the tea will take anywhere from one to two hours to start acting in your body as it has to pass through the stomach and reach the liver. You can use the leaves or flowers after grounding them to make the tea, and you can also add chamomile and rose for an additional flavour.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is a traditional treatment for a variety of ailments, such as an upset stomach, anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Chamomile tea is also beneficial for people suffering from anxiety disorders with its antidepressant qualities and tranquillizing effect on muscles and nerves. You can also add lavender to this tea for adding a soothing floral aroma that helps in relaxing.

Peppermint Tea

You will most likely experience difficulties in getting sleep after having a decadent dinner immediately before bedtime. An upset stomach is one of the biggest hindrances in enjoying restful sleep even though you may not be aware of it. You can remedy this ailment by drinking peppermint tea, which has incredible benefits to facilitate digestion. This tea also contains copious amounts of calcium, potassium, and vitamin B, which can aid in boosting immunity.

What Is The Best Time To Drink Tea To Facilitate Sleep?

If you are drinking tea that contains any amount of caffeine, you must avoid drinking it right before sleep. The alerting effect of caffeine can prevent you from falling to sleep quickly, and you may even wake up in the middle of the night.

To avoid such a situation from taking place, you must consume tea in the evenings, a few hours before sleep to enjoy their benefits in inducing sleep without feeling excessive alertness.


Lack of adequate sleep is a dangerous situation that can lead to a variety of health risks. Drinking a warm cup of tea can put you in ease before bed, and hence, it is the ideal choice as a bedtime drink. Sleep quality has plenty of factors that affect it, and by careful evaluation and making changes to your habits along with drinking tea, you can start to have a sound sleep. The next time you feel like you are missing out on sleep, make sure to try drinking a cup of tea before hitting the bed. You may feel a pleasant surprise when you experience a much better quality of sleep, and you can even find it more comfortable in getting to sleep faster.

Source: Sophia Cooper


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