Cambridge Core Shamanism - The Way of the Wolf insured

Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Cambridge Core Shamanism - The Way of the Wolf


Cambridge, United Kingdom


Courses Offered:

Diploma: Three Year Diploma Shamanic Practitioner The Way of the Wolf Ogam Tree Healing Workshops: One day and Two day courses

Therapies Offered:

Shamanic Healing

Cambridge Core Shamanism - The Way of the Wolf

Cambridge Core Shamanism offers shamanic certified courses and workshops from one day in length, up to the three-year diploma shamanic practitioner training.

Core Shamanism is not bound to any specific cultural group but aims to reconnect those who have lost their connection with nature, spiritual allies, and ancestors with their legitimate spiritual heritage.
Training at the CCS includes teaching students how to alter their consciousness through drumming, discover their personal spiritual resources, transform their lives, and learn how to help others.

Most shamanic healing focuses on the following aspects: power loss, soul loss, energy intrusions, spirit release work, ancestral work, cutting ties, house + land cleansing, healing, and blessings. Shamanism is a path that gives you direct spiritual revelation and autonomy. It is possible to gain a spiritual toolkit that will serve you for the rest of your life and to come into your own personal power.


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