Chi - Be in Balance insured

Executive Training Provider

Chi - Be in Balance


United Arab Emirates


Courses Offered:

Workshops and Online/distance learning - Manifest your Abundance (Level 1 & 2) The Energy Body (Level 1, 2 & 3) Working with Crystals (Levels 1 & 2) Angels – Understanding Divine Guidance (Level 1 & 2). See Profile for more Information-

Chi - Be in Balance

֍ Working with Crystals (Level 1)

Crystals have a stable frequency and can be measured with an Oscillator. Just like certain emotions hold certain frequencies, we can use the stable frequency of crystals to teach our energy body to vibrate at a frequency that we desire. This helps in propagating healing, harmonizing our moods and support in finding our way back into balance.

This course will cover:

  • The various types of Crystals, their uses and classification
  • How to choose and connect with crystals
  • Use crystals for programming and healing
  • How to cleanse and charge the different types of crystals
  • The best ways to wear and work with crystals
  • The correlation of the crystals and the creation code
  • Using crystals to bring in clarity
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical ways of connecting, cleansing, healing using crystals.
  • Essential Handouts to work with crystals
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm)


֍ Working with Crystals (Level 2)

In this course we will deep dive on how to focus and work with energy using crystals to harmonize the energy of a space and person. We will practically work with them using the stabilizing energy of crystals to transform and transmute unwanted energy from a space.

This course will cover:

  • Accessing your authentic self when working with crystals
  • The creation and activation of the Crystal Grid
  • Crystal Healing Ethics
  • Making Elixirs using crystals
  • Psychic surgery using crystals
  • Healing through Crystal Body Mapping
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical advanced ways of working with crystals.
  • Essential Handouts to work with crystals
  • Required crystal kit to perform the sessions
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm)

֍ Twin Flames and the Divine Union

The world is currently evolving from a 3rd dimensional state of being to a 5th dimensional state of being, in order to support the energy shift, a lot of Twin Flames have chosen to incarnate on Earth for this very reason during this timeline. Twin Flame is different to Soulmate energy and when the Twin Flames come together, they create an energy that is very healing and high vibrational. This is the energy that helps in supporting our Mother Earth to shift hers and many of its inhabitants into the next stage of evolution. Here you will learn a deep dive into Masculine and Feminine energies, how to identify the differences between a soulmate and twin flame and how you can harmoniously maintain a Twin Flame relationship and learn the stages of Divine Union.

This course will cover:

  • Soul Families, Soul Mates and Twin Flames
  • The Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine
  • Stages of Soul Development
  • The Journey of Twin Flames
  • The Lessons of your Twin Flame
  • Attracting your Twin Flame
  • The Twin Flame Healing Energy
  • The stages of Divine Twin Flame Union
  • Moksha

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Practical ways on how to attract your Twin Flame
  • Knowledge on the Soul journey
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 2 Full Days (9 am to 5pm)


֍ Enhance the 6th Sense

We all have the ability to access and utilize our psychic senses, we all have 8 distinct Psychic senses; some more dominant than the other. We may be doing it all the time, through a subconscious level, like when we already know who is calling before we look at the screen, or when we enter a room and get a whiff of a favorite scent that reminds us of a loved one that transitioned, or when we enter a room and instantaneously notice if there is a heavy tension which may have come from the residual energy of an argument that may have occurred there earlier, or sudden bursts of cold shivers or hot flashes when passing through spaces, etc. Here you will learn about the various senses and regular practice techniques that will help program your mind to consciously use your psychic senses to support you in your endeavors.

This course will cover:

  • The eight psychic senses and how they work
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds
  • Connecting with your Higher self and guides to receive messages
  • Practices to enhance your psychic connection
  • Ways on how you can read Energy
  • How to protect and shield yourself against unwanted energy
  • Working with pendulums to receive higher guidance

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical ways of developing your intuition
  • Essential Handouts to work with crystals
  • Required crystal kit to perform the sessions
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 2 Full Days (9 am to 5pm) and 1 Half Day (9am to 1pm)

֍ Restoring Harmony into your Space

We are energy bodies that live with energy constantly surrounding us. And we have the ability to choose the energy that exists within our space, be it at work or at home. We are beings that always want the highest and best for ourselves and others. Energy that is not serving us for our highest and best, has the ability to get trapped within our space and thereby affect our energy, where we may notice that when we enter that space, we have a tendency to maybe pick up regular fights, display anger, procrastinate, etc. We sometimes are susceptible to energies that we do not wish to encounter, to which we notice that we usually choose to not enter those rooms as often as we want, or if we have kids, they often complain of bad dreams and sometimes throw tantrums to go to bed, this is usually when we are affected by energy that is not serving us for our highest and best. In this course you learn how to clear the energies that do not serve you and make your space a place to support you and your family to evolve into higher frequencies.

This course will cover:

  • Various tools for restoring Harmony into your space
  • Understanding Energies and how they can affect a space
  • The steps on how to cleanse a space
  • How to check if there is Unwanted Energy in a Space
  • Restoring Harmony practice using Herbs
  • Mantras for Restoring Harmony to Spaces
  • Various tools used to help in Restoring Harmony to Spaces
  • How sound can affect the energy of a Space
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical advanced ways of working with crystals.
  • Essential Handouts to work with crystals
  • Required crystal kit to perform the session
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm) and 1 Half Day (9am to 1pm)

֍ Angels - Understanding Divine Guidance (Level 1)

Angels vibrate at a different frequency to us, this means that just because we are unable to see them in the 3rd Dimensional reality, it does not mean that they don’t exist. Angels communicate with us through various signs, and we can learn how to decipher those signs to help us understand the message they are communicating with us.

This course will cover:

  • Introduction to Angels
  • The Energetic Grid
  • The Elemental Beings
  • The Elements
  • The various Choirs of Angels
  • The WatchTower Angels
  • The Angel Code
  • Earth Angels
  • Crystals that enhance Angelic Connection
  • Angel Healing
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical advanced ways of working with Angelic Energy
  • Essential Handouts to work with Angelic Energy
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm)

֍ Angels - Understanding Divine Guidance (Level 2)

Angels vibrate at a different frequency to us, this means that just because we are unable to see them in the 3rd Dimensional reality, it does not mean that they don’t exist. Angels communicate with us through various signs, and we can learn how to decipher those signs to help us understand the message they are communicating with us.

This course will cover:

  • The Roles of the ArchAngels
  • The Lyra Constellation        
  • The Angelic Energy Centers
  • The Higher Heart Healing
  • The Higher Heart Activation
  • Attunement to Oracle Cards
  • The Power of Symbols
  • Advanced Angel Healing
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical advanced ways of working with Angelic Energy
  • Essential Handouts to work with Angelic Energy
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm) and 1 Half Day (9am to 1pm)

֍ Transformation in Sacred Geometry

The Universe and all that is within it was built using Sacred Geometry. This is evident in all the things around us, all we may need to do is shift our perspective to identify the patterns. There are key shapes that were used in the creation and evolution of man. The Alchemy of the Sacred Geometry shapes into helping us evolve and helps us to resonate and support us in higher vibrational frequencies. Here you will learn the ancient knowledge in Sacred Geometry and learn how to harness it to support us in our daily lives.

This course will cover:

  • Understanding Sacred Geometry
  • Quantum Physics and its History
  • The Dimensions
  • Observable Universe
  • Multiverse and Parallel Universes
  • Parallel Realities and Superposition
  • Quantum Entanglement
  • Unity Consciousness
  • The 5D Electromagnetic Field
  • Fractal Theory
  • The Universal Grid
  • The Flower of Life
  • The Platonic Solids
  • Vesica Piscis
  • Infinity
  • Vortices and Torus
  • The Chakras in Sacred Geometry
  • The creation code and their uses in Healing
  • Energetic Uploads and Downloads
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical advanced ways of working with crystals.
  • Essential Handouts to work with crystals
  • Required crystal kit to perform the session
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 3 Full Days (9 am to 5pm) and 1 Half Day (9am to 1pm)

֍ The Energy Body (Level 1)

The Energy Body is a complex and yet vital part of our being. Have you ever walked into a room and had felt an instant connection or discomfort with someone? This is when your energy field has sensed their energetic frequency and both fields have energetically communicated with each other, even before you had a chance to communicate with each other physically. With regular practice and training we all have the ability to see, feel and connect with the Auric Field and heal it of any unwanted energy.

This course will show you:

  • The first aspect of The Energy Body – The Auric Field
  • The History of Auras and how they have evolved
  • The way the Aura Moves and what frequencies it holds
  • The correlation between ancient teachings and modern-day science
  • Different ways to identify, cleanse and heal a weak Aura
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds
  • How to incorporate certain crystals to help in your auric session
  • How our human needs and emotions correlate to a healthy Auric field

This is an intensive course that will be for a whole day, and you will receive:

  • Multiple practical ways of reading, cleansing, healing one’s Auric field.
  • Essential Handouts to perform a session
  • Required crystal kit to perform the sessions
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm)

֍ The Energy Body (Level 2)

We have multiple Energy Centers in our Energy Body. These centers correlate to our Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Wellbeing. If any of our energy centers are imbalanced, they start to form a dis-ease within our being. Just like our Auric field is constantly evolving, so are our Chakras.

This course will show you:

  • The second aspect of our Energy Body – The Chakras
  • The History of the Chakras and how they are evolving
  • The various aspects of each Chakra
  • Various techniques that will help bring your chakras into harmony
  • How to activate and strengthen your ability to read the energy of the chakras
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds
  • How to use a pendulum to help in your chakra session
  • How our human needs and emotions correlate to a chakra health and evolution

This is an intensive course that will be for a whole day, and you will receive:

  • Multiple practical ways of reading, cleansing, healing one’s Chakras
  • Essential Handouts to perform a session
  • Required crystal kit to perform the sessions
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm)

֍ The Energy Body (Level 3)

Have you had a moment of Deja Vu and or had a dream that constantly recurs time and again and you have no idea why? In this course we will cover the Gates and the human connection to collective consciousness and their connection to the wisdom of intuition.

This course will show you:

  • The third aspect of our Energy Body – The Gates
  • The metaphysics of Vortices and Torus fields
  • The various aspects of each Gate
  • Various techniques that will help in clearing the energy connected to the Gates
  • The history of the Energy Body and it’s evolution
  • How to activate and strengthen your ability to read the energy of the Gates
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds
  • How to use your hands to sense the Chakras and bring them into alignment
  • How the energy held within our gates connect to our memory of Past Lives

This is an intensive course that will be for a whole day and a half, and you will receive:

  • Practical ways of reading, cleansing, healing one’s Gates
  • Essential Handouts to perform a session
  • Required crystal kit to perform the sessions
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm) and 1 Half Day (9am to 1pm)

֍ Balancing your Light and Shadow Self

The Universe maintains Balance, be it at an individual level or on a collective level. To harness the entirety of your Chi energy, it is important to embrace your Light Body AND your Shadow Self. We often forget or shun our Shadow Self. We are all unique in our frequency and yet connected, as the phrase goes, ‘we are only as strong as our weakest link’. Learn how you can embrace and harness the energy of our Shadow Self so that we have a strengthened foundation that can stand tall in any storm. And learn how the Shadow Self supports our Light body and vice versa to maintain Balance on an individual level.

This course we will cover:

  • Understanding our Light and Shadow self
  • The importance of Being in Balance
  • Belief Systems and how they shape our reality
  • What are blocks
  • Understanding Triggers
  • Reflecting and Projecting
  • Shadow Work Exercises
  • The Levels of Attachment
  • The Eight-Fold Path
  • The Ultimate Truth
  • Love and Gratitude

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical ways of identifying the Shadow Self
  • Essential Handouts to perform self-assessment
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm)

֍ Enhancing the Human Experience

This Course will help you understand how energy works in our lives and how we can transform it to work for us and how to allow it into our life. When working with the energy of abundance, we are able to attract the energy that we wish to have in our reality, may it be in wealth, health, happiness, love, etc. Often, we have subconscious blocks that we may not be aware of, that does not allow us to be in harmony with receiving the energy into our life. This course helps you to identify the triggers and blocks and work towards enhancing your human experience.

This course will cover:

  • The Energy of Abundance and how to be in a state of harmony to receive it
  • The way Universal Energy works in our life
  • How to come from a high vibrational frequency of thoughts and actions
  • How Manifestation works and how to make it work for you
  • How our triggers correlate to manifesting
  • Understanding if our Manifestation is working
  • In depth knowledge on the frequency signals, we send out into the Universe and how this affects manifesting
  • Crystals that help in Manifesting
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical ways of Manifesting Abundance
  • Essential Handouts to perform the manifestation exercise
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm) and 1 Half Day (9am to 1pm)

֍ Dragons – The Ancient Guardians of Earth

Dragons are the guardians of Mother Earth. Learn how to connect with the healing energy of Dragon(s) and discover the various ways they can help in supporting our connection with the beautiful, wise and protective energies of the Dragons.

This course will cover:

  • The various dragon energies and their role as Ancient Guardians
  • Find out how dragon energy can enhance hands on healing sessions
  • How to work with dragon energy to clear unwanted energy out of spaces
  • How to call upon the dragon Energy
  • Learn to receive messages from dragon energy
  • Learn to identify, connect with and use your own dragon Healing Crystal
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds
  • Learn the ancient knowledge of the Dragon Walkers/Riders.

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical ways of working with dragon energy
  • Essential Handouts to perform the dragon healing session
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm)

֍ Usui Reiki Healer (Level 1)

 Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Register Now.

Some of the Benefits of Reiki are:

  • Creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension
  • Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit
  • Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins and supports the immune system
  • Accelerates the body’s self-healing ability as you start to return to your natural state
  • Compliments medical treatment & other therapies

This course will cover:

  • What is Reiki
  • The History of Reiki
  • Theory of seven major chakras
  • Reiki Level 1 attunement
  • Gassho Meditation
  • The 5 Reiki Principles
  • The key Reiki points on body
  • Reiki Affirmations
  • Self and Partner Reiki Positions
  • How to perform a session with Spiritual Ethics and avoid unnecessary Karmic bonds

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical ways of using Reiki on yourself and your partner
  • Essential Handouts to perform Reiki on self and partner
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm)


֍ Usui Reiki Practitioner (Level 2)

 Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Some of the Benefits of Reiki are:

  • Creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension
  • Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit
  • Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins and supports the immune system
  • Accelerates the body’s self-healing ability as you start to return to your natural state
  • Compliments medical treatment & other therapies

This course will cover:

  • Level 2 attunement to sacred Reiki Symbols
  • Cord cuttings using Reiki
  • Doing distant Reiki Healings
  • Cleansing Techniques
  • Shielding and Grounding
  • Reiki Meditations
  • Aura (Ken Yoku) Cleansings
  • Reiki Wish Box
  • Crystals and Reiki
  • Space Clearings and Energizing with Reiki
  • Reiki on other people, spaces, crystals, pets, house, lands, food etc. with symbols

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical ways of using Reiki on others for distance healing
  • Essential Handouts to perform distant Reiki healing
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 1 Full Day (9 am to 5pm)

֍ Usui Reiki Master (Level 3)

 Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Register Now.

Some of the Benefits of Reiki are:

  • Creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension
  • Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit
  • Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins and supports the immune system
  • Accelerates the body’s self-healing ability as you start to return to your natural state
  • Compliments medical treatment & other therapies

This course will cover:

  • Level 3 attunement of Reiki Master Symbol (Very Powerful)
  • Advance Healing Techniques and Meditations of Reiki
  • Psychic Surgery
  • Letting of the Chakras
  • Reiki Meditation (Joshin Koyuu, Ho’oponopono) and Breathing
  • Powerful Cleansings and Energizing
  • Intuitive Reiki Healings
  • Angelic energy presence in Healings
  • Reiki Healing that correlates to physical healing

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Practical ways of using Reiki on others with Master Symbol
  • Essential Handouts to perform the session
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 2 Full Days (9 am to 5pm)

֍ Usui Reiki Master Teacher (Level 4 & 5)

 Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Register Now.

Some of the Benefits of Reiki are:

  • Creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension
  • Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit
  • Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins and supports the immune system
  • Accelerates the body’s self-healing ability as you start to return to your natural state
  • Compliments medical treatment & other therapies

This course will cover:

  • How to do attunements on students
  • Attunement symbols of reiki (powerful)
  • Room Attunements
  • Angels and Reiki
  • The Hatsurei Ho
  • The Violet breath
  • Crystal attunements
  • How to create reiki course books at each level
  • How to do meditations
  • How to teach psychic surgeries

This is an intensive course, and you will receive:

  • Ability to Attune other students into Usui Reiki
  • Essential Handouts to perform the attunements
  • IPHM Accredited Certificate
  • Access to a group of individuals to perform swap sessions and help practice your skills learnt within the course

Number of Days: 2 Full Days (9 am to 5pm)


Oracle Card Workshop

Universal guidance communicates with us through various signs and by using some tools we can learn how to decipher those signs to help us understand the message that they are communicating with us. If you would like to access their guidance to help you gain clarity on things, the cards are an easy way to do so.

What each attendee will receive and will be able to take home:

  • 1 Oracle Card Deck
  • 1 Information Manual

Time for the Workshop: 3.5 hours

What each attendee will gain:

  • How to build a deep relationship with their guides
  • How to build on their Clair senses using Oracle Cards
  • How to read the cards by connecting to their intuition
  • Ethics for conducting a Card reading
  • How to Clear Energy from a Deck of Oracle Cards
  • How to do a card reading

Pendulum Dowsing Workshop

This workshop introduces you to pendulum dowsing and the knowledge to take it beyond, assisting you on your spiritual path. Once you have mastered the technique and acquired confidence, it enables you to receive information in a direct way. If you want quick and instant communication with your High Self, then dowsing is one of the best ways to move forward.

What each attendee will receive and will be able to take home:

  • 1 Crystal Pendulum
  • Information guide on Dowsing Process
  • Customised Charts that they will make During the Workshop

Time for the Workshop: 3 hours

What each attendee will gain:

  • Learn the Basics of Dowsing.
  • Connecting with Higher Self
  • Create Customised Charts
  • Dowsing with Charts

Balancing your Light and Shadow Self Workshop

The Universe maintains Balance, be it at an individual level or on a collective level. To harness the entirety of your Chi energy, it is important to embrace your Light Body AND your Shadow Self. We often forget or shun our Shadow Self. We are all unique in our frequency and yet connected, as the phrase goes, ‘we are only as strong as our weakest link’. Learn how you can embrace and harness the energy of our Shadow Self so that we have a strengthened foundation that can stand tall in any storm. And learn how the Shadow Self supports our Light body and vice versa to maintain Balance on an individual level.

What each attendee will receive and will be able to take home:

  • 1 Workbook

Time for the Workshop: 3 hours

What each attendee will gain:

  • Learn what the shadow self is and how to recognize it in action
  • Acknowledge, connect to and reintegrate our shadow self
  • Learn why some people or situations give us great emotional 'charge', causing us intense stress and anxiety
  • Develop methods to better manage these situations and recognize how our shadow self is trying to support us.
  • See the shadow self as an ally to encourage greater harmony and inclusion in our lives
  • Release the debilitation of 'types of people' who stress or upset us
  • Develop a better relationship with yourself and tools for improved self-management

Psychic Development Workshop

We all have the ability to access and utilize our psychic senses, we all have 8 distinct Psychic senses; some more dominant than the other. We may be doing it all the time, through a subconscious level, like when we already know who is calling before we look at the screen, or when we enter a room and get a whiff of a favorite scent that reminds us of a loved one that transitioned, or when we enter a room and instantaneously notice if there is a heavy tension which may have come from the residual energy of an argument that may have occurred there earlier, or sudden bursts of cold shivers or hot flashes when passing through spaces, etc. Here you will learn about the various senses and regular practice techniques that will help program your mind to consciously use your psychic senses to support you in your endeavors.

Time for the Workshop: 3 hours

What each attendee will gain:

  • Learn about the 8 different psychic abilities
  • Do various Exercises to help build on their Psychic senses
  • Develop their connection to their Psychic senses
  • Learn how to connect to your higher guides for psychic connection

Dreamcatcher Making Workshop

A dreamcatcher is a handmade talisman originating from Native American culture. People of the Ojibwe tribe had the belief that bad dreams get caught on the web of the dreamcatcher and disappear when the first light of the rising sun hits them.

What each attendee will receive and will be able to take home:

  • 1 Dream Catcher

Time for the Workshop: 2 hours

What each attendee will gain:

  • Learn the history behind dream catchers and its energetic uses
  • Learn to weave their own dreamcatchers with Intent

Mandala Making Workshop

Mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the universe. The circular designs symbolize the idea that life is never ending, and everything is connected. The mandala also represents a spiritual journey within the individual viewer.

What each attendee will receive and will be able to take home:

  • 1 Healing Mandala

Time for the Workshop: 1.5 hours

What each attendee will gain:

  • Understand the significance of colour and shapes in the Mandalas
  • Learn how mandalas help in the energetic healing process of an individual
  • Connecting with your inner guidance to create a Healing Mandala for yourself

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Chi - Be in Balance IPHM accredited Training Provider.

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