Maestri Di Se Stessi Academy insured

Executive Training Provider

Maestri Di Se Stessi Academy


Capannori, Italy


Maestri Di Se Stessi Academy

Courses Offered:

MAESTRI DI SE STESSI ACADEMY This course is aimed at anyone who feels the need to work on their psychophysical well-being and energy balance while developing their qualities, abilities and potential …


This course is aimed at anyone who feels the need to work on their psychophysical well-being and energy balance while developing their qualities, abilities and potential by freeing themselves from fears, anger, anxieties, tensions, conditioning and emotional blocks.

My method - Active Meditation - uses movement exercises, conscious breathing, meditation, various synchronicity techniques, awakening techniques, conscious observation, work on presence, self-remembering, energies, centers, functions and states. of higher consciousness.

The method, Active Meditation , and the knowledge we use in our theoretical and practical meetings, derives mainly from the Fourth Way tradition, the Sufi tradition and the Indo-Tibetan one.

Personally, my aim is to give students and participants  tools, knowledge and skills in order to make them free and autonomous in the management of their inner world and in their outer life.

My mission is to help people develop their qualities, talents and potential through self-discovery. I propose a "timeless knowledge" using techniques and methods, both theoretical and practical, suitable for contemporary men and women.

Roberto Potocniak

20 years ago I created the Humanistic Studies Center which is an Evolutionary School for free inner and spiritual seekers focused on the growth of self-awareness, on self-awareness, on the development of inner and outer harmony, and on the practice of conscious love for all beings.

Born in Trieste in 1962, I have always been interested in the inner, psychological and spiritual world of man.

From the age of 24 onwards as a researcher and experimenter I have followed numerous paths in the area of ​​the inner tradition: as a sannyasin of Osho; as a student of the Fourth Way; as a disciple in the current of Sufis; and as a disciple in the school of Traditional Tibetan Medicine.

Today as today I continue my course of study, I am enrolled in the Faculty of Clinical Psychology, I hold practical Inner Work groups (Active Meditation) for the growth and evolution of Consciousness in the wake of the teachings of the "Fourth Way" putting together more 30 years of personal theoretical and practical experience.

Mine is an Evolutionary School for free inner and spiritual seekers focused on the growth of self-awareness, on self-awareness, on the development of inner and outer harmony, and on the practise of conscious love towards all beings.

Inner evolution is the basis of the institute's philosophy; the human being has only one possibility to improve the conditions of humanity: the awakening of consciousness.

This philosophy stems from a continuous and profound work on the freedom of the individual, which makes it possible to disengage from automatism and create a conscience free from dogmas or ideologies.

The only purpose is to give human beings the means to build an inalienable right: the possibility of making conscious choices and deciding the direction of one's life.

Within the proposed activities, particular emphasis is given to holistic natural prevention, inner growth, the development of human potential, and spiritual development understood as attention to oneself and what surrounds us. All this can be considered exclusively as an active cultural contribution for the people who participate in courses, seminars, and didactic-experiential meetings.

Courses accredited by IPHM:

Maestri di Se Stessi
MDSS Pack - Naturopatia
MDSS Pack - Relazioni
MDSS Pack - Benessere Emozionale
Karma Experience

Please visit my website for more information.

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