Reikilates Wellness Training insured

Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Reikilates Wellness Training


Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Courses Offered:

Chair Reikilates Workshop Heal Yourself, Advanced Heal Yourself, Simplified Heart Centered Reiki Level 1 Heart Centered Reiki Level 1 (Arabic) Heart Centered Reiki Level 2 Heart Centered Reiki Level 2 (Arabic) Heart Centered Reiki Level 3 Heart Centered Reiki Level 3 (Arabic) Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher (Arabic) Love Attraction Workshop MindMap Manifestation Workshop (MMM) Money Attraction Workshop Rebalance Yourself Program Reikilates Practitioner Program RPP Reikilates Practitioner Program RPP Reikilates 3 Reset Program Reikilates 3 Reset Program ( Arabic) Reikilates 7 Chakra Program Reikilates 7 Chakra Program (Arabic)

Therapies Offered:

Reiki Master Teacher Reiki Therapist Online Therapist Divine Healing Practitioner BodyTalkPractitioner Reikilates (Founder/ Creator) Holistic Psychologist Energy Reader Hypno Reiki Therapist

Reikilates Wellness Training

Suha is a Dubai based Reiki Master Teacher, and a holistic psychologist with over 10 years of solid experience. Her dedication to her clients and unique approach combines Reiki with Hypnotherapy & Chinese Medicine.


Suha is currently working with 100s of clients, in person/and around the world (online sessions), treating them from different symptoms such as: fatigue, anxiety, depression, divorce, grief and daily stress; most of her clients report having more clarity in their life and less brain fogginess, plus being more relaxed and joyful; they also start attracting favourable people & events into their life (such as a promotion, or new love)

Lastly, Suha is the proud founder of “Reikilates”; a fusion between Reiki Healing and Pilates Movement; Connecting Mind, Body & Soul to harmonise overall wellness.

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