Wyzdom DVine insured

Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Wyzdom DVine


San Diego, United States
(818) 850-3833


Wyzdom DVine

Courses Offered:

Intro to Shamanism Level 1 -1 Shamanic Training Certification Level 1-2 Shamanic Training Certification Level 2 Practitioner's Shamanic Training Certification Level 3 Advanced Shamanic Training Certification Munay Ki Foundation Rites Class Munay Ki Lineage Rites Class Shamanic Chakra Bonding Shamanic Journey Basics Shamanic Mediumship Shamanic Reiki Stepping into a Spiritual Path Working With Spirit and Energy

Therapies Offered:

Shamanic Healing Shamanic Reiki

Maestra Wyzdom DVine is a Shamanic Healer, Instructor, and Mentor and founder of the Wyzdom DVine Mystery School.

She specializes in assisting healers with obtaining tools, resources, and guidance to ensure the success of their Spiritual or Energetic practices.

Find all of her links at: https://linktr.ee/WyzdomDVine

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